Dynamic Field Values in Rules
Users can now add dynamic field values from the Field Library and Calculations sections of LoanPASS and place them into the text field within a rule. This includes the Rule Rejection field in Eligibility rules, the Stipulation Text field in Stipulation rules, and the Description field in Pricing rules.
This is done in a few short steps.
1) Create a rule like you normally would, but to add dynamic fields, click on the icon below the red arrow:

2) The “Select field to insert” screen will display and users can search for a desired field - in this case the Decision Credit Score:

3) Once the field is selected, click the “Insert Field” button:

4) The field will display in the text field inside curly brackets, letting the user know it is a dynamic field:

5) Repeat the same process with the other fields and save the rule:

6) Now when a product is rejected, the user can see the values associated with the rejection:

7) Output fields in data tables can also be added to a rejection reason with the same process:

8) Notice how the Max LTV from the data table is appearing along with the calculated LTV from the loan scenario:
